Representing the element of honesty, Applejack is an Earth pony who is a farmer in Sweet Apple Acres. She's down to Earth and dependable, and she's not afraid of anything.

Playstyle: Dynamic (Rushdown/Grappler)

CPU Difficulty: Easy


The Pony's Elbow: + A

Applequake: + A/B/C (D with at least 2 magic)

Applebuck: + A/B/C (D with at least 2 magic)

Lassorama: + A/B/C

Quick Escape: + D with at least 1 magic

Appleshuffle: + D with at least 1 magic

Counterbuck: + D with at least 2 magic

Super Jump: (+ or for backwards or forwards)


Level 1 (Summer Rambo): + C

Level 2 (Buster Hoof): + C (during Summer Rambo)

Level 3 (Applebuck Storm): (x2) + C